You’ve probably heard that solar is the wave of the future. But have you heard that this means more than just solar-powered homes?

We mean it is the wave of the entire future – cars, electronics, gadgets, lights, and so much more! 

If you want to be part of the trend, then you’ll want to look more into these solar-powered gifts for the holidays! Even if you have friends and loved ones who aren’t fully behind this trend yet, they’ll love these gift ideas because of the money saved, the ease of access, and more.

Solar-Powered Phone Charger

Nowadays, everyone is constantly on their phones. This means that people’s phones are dying at a faster rate when they are out and about.

However, plugging into an outlet is not always an option, especially if you are traveling around, hiking, or doing something outdoors in nature.

That’s why getting your loved ones a solar-powered phone charger is one of the best gift ideas for the holidays. All they have to do is take the charger out somewhere where there are solar rays and set their phone on it! There are even phone chargers that are much larger systems that actually have solar panels as part of them.

Solar Accent Light

There’s nothing like having a light that you don’t have to plug in or turn on. Instead, it charges with the sun during the day and keeps things light at night.

This is perfect for outdoor lighting on your patio, if you are camping, on your front porch, or anywhere else you like to have a bit of light at night.

Realistically, you could keep the light outside during the day and move it into your home at night as well. Then, it would be charged and ready to light up a room!

With a solar accent light, you can find so many different styles and designs as well. Some are string lights, some are cute shapes, and some just look like a normal light fixture!

Biomass Camp Stove

There truly isn’t much cooler out there than a biomass camp stove that you can get for your camping expeditions. This is the perfect gift for the holidays for any outdoor enthusiast! 

But what even is this? What is biomass? Simply speaking, it is material that comes from plants and animals. 

This could be twigs, pine cones, wood pellets, branches, etc. You can use this to get a fire going. 

By using a biomass camp stove, everything is in one place where you do not have to worry about starting a campfire or anything too large if you don’t want to. You can simply use the camp stove outside on the ground or wherever you choose.

But wait, there’s more! There are so many other options for biomass camp stoves as well. Some are larger and can actually be used indoors or for larger items than just camp food! The gifts are endless!

Solar BackPack

If you have a digital nomad friend or a friend/loved one that is constantly on the go, there’s nothing better than gifting a solar backpack.

This is perfect for those who are photographers, travelers, videographers, hikers, and more. Anyone who spends time outdoors would love a backpack that can charge all of their items on the go! 

There would be no more worrying about a dead camera battery when you see the perfect shot. There’s no more worrying about a dead phone or satellite phone to reach anyone in case of emergency! 

This is the wave of the future, so you might as well get the solar gift now!

Solar Cooler

How many times have you gone camping or had your power gone out during a storm and been worried about the food in your fridge going bad? Maybe you are also worried about keeping the cooler full of ice at the same time.

You wouldn’t have to worry about any of this with a solar cooler! You simply just need to keep the cooler outside and in the sun for a few hours per day to keep it cool the rest of the hours each day. Simple enough! 

Renewable Energy Plan

If you want to give a gift that your friends or loved ones will truly love, you’ll want to look into a renewable energy plan for their home!

There are so many more ways to gift renewable energy to someone’s home than buying them solar panels or going through the solar panel installation process.

Instead, renewable energy can be different than that. There’s now an option for 100% solar power that’s as affordable as brown power, so everyone can get electricity from the sun without getting panels.

This would be the gift that truly keeps on giving.

Get These Solar-Powered Gifts for the Holidays

After reading this guide, you probably want to buy these solar-powered gifts for yourself! But hold tight and get them for your loved ones instead – you’ll be the true hero when the holidays roll around!

At Chariot, we want to help you gift the gift that keeps on giving. When you head on over to our site, navigate to the Find My Plan section to determine which option is the best gift for your loved ones.

We can’t wait for you to be the talk of the holiday party because of the gifts you give! 

Happy holidays and thanks for choosing renewable energy gift options!

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